How often do you check your email? Maybe you are similar to most people, who look at their email numerous times each day. When operating a business, e-mail marketing is a great way to keep the people in your market informed. Here are some marketing with email tips.
Include lots of useful information in all your messages. Don’t just fill them up with information about your products. Include things that will truly help your customers. Present special articles or information that is unique to the email and not your site. Include special offers from your company, as well. Send greetings for holidays or a personalized message for birthdays for instance.
Make sure that people actually want to receive emails from you by using a double opt-in strategy. While it may seem cumbersome, it solidifies their interest in your emails, and will prevent any issues with spam issues and complaints.
Try to not send more than a single marketing via email message in a week. Your customers, like you, have busy lives and probably receive many emails each day. If you send more than a weekly email, they may begin to skip over them or delete them without ever receiving the content you worked so hard to create.
It is very important that you gain permission from anyone before sending correspondence by email. If you fail to do this, you will destroy the trust of your existing customers and generate negative word of mouth. You may even be banned by some ISPs and this can severely impact your business in a negative way.
Email is one of the best ways to quickly communicate with potential or existing customers and clients. Put the tips from this article into action for your marketing needs, and see results in no time at all. It is easy to promote the company through email and reaching out to customers.
Mathew Rings
CEO & Founder DBL07
Web Design Hawaii,Web Design Columbia SC a web design company focusing on custom website development, web presence management, and mobile website development. @DBL07Consulting
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via DBL07 Web Design Columbia SC @DBL07Consulting #DBL07 Mathew Rings CEO & Founder DBL07 Consulting & Website Design Hawaii,Web Design Columbia SC. A web design company focusing on custom website development, web presence management, SEO Search Engine Optimization and mobile website development. @DBL07Consulting
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