Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Surreal Moment

You never stop learning and growing as a leader. Whether that is in business or other leadership roles, you can't ever get to the place where you stop learning. So a surreal moment just happened to me. I sat down for my morning read of a leadership book called 21 most powerful minutes in a leader's day by John C. Maxwell and as I sat down I got an email notification that John C. Maxwell was following me on Twitter!! (my 1st follower by the way!)

When I was a young lad my first book on leadership was Developing the Leaders around you. That was many moons ago, but that one book helped reshape my thinking on how to invest in the lives of those around me that I was called to lead.  It is hard to find good books on leadership that don't begin and end with "work hard and crush those in your way and you can make it to the top."

So to have a Godly guru of leadership follow me on twitter is perplexing.  So if he's following me does that make me the leader? or is he just following me cause I followed him? He's going places, so it makes since to follow him, but why follow me? Where am I going that he would want to follow? or maybe it was just a robot that responds to all his follow request a few days later? But then why would John's robot want to follow me?? If it's not John himself and it is a robot following me than terminator and iRobot movies were all right!!!
Ha, that's the very thing that has keep me away from twitter all these years is the alluring slide toward narcissism that seems to come bundled with the twitter app. "If John C Maxwell is following me, I must be the man!" ha or he's just a nice guy and didn't want to hurt my feelings ;)
Doesn't really matter, when you strive toward leadership, you will reach a place where those who had taught you so much can look at where you are and say "good job or great idea" It doesn't mean you have now taken command, it just means you are showing that some of what you have been studying all these years is finally sticking. 
Thanks John (or John's robot)

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